Rottweiler vs Pitbull

Rottweiler vs Pitbull

Rottweilers and pit bulls often fall together under the bracket of ‘misunderstood and intimidating dogs’. Many people are nervous of both breeds, d...

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Should Dogs Wear Hoodies?

Should Dogs Wear Hoodies?

Dogs wearing clothing, especially hoodies, has become a trendy sight in parks, cafes, and on social media feeds. However, the practice is met with ...

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Do Dogs Need Shoes?

Do Dogs Need Shoes?

“My dog wears shoes!” sounds like a punchline from an early 2000s comedy. At first glance, the concept of a dog wearing shoes seems slightly silly....

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How Smart Are Pit Bulls?

How Smart Are Pit Bulls?

The debate surrounding the intelligence of pit bulls, as with many aspects of this breed, is fraught with passion, misunderstanding, and bias. The ...

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